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Why Performance Reviews Are Important — 

Having an employee performance review process in place is important for a number of reasons including:

  • Enhances coaching and mentoring opportunities for managers and supervisors.
  • Clarifies the performance criteria that are important for employees to understand as important in doing their respective jobs.
  • Defines a clear basis for wage increases, promotions, disciplinary action, and other important job related issues.
  • Reinforces that performance and pay or incentives are rationally tied together.
  • Serves as motivation to continue to focus on improving performance.
  • Brings consistency to the organization in terms of how employees’ job performance is measured.
  • Creates a means for clear and complete documentation of job performance.
  • Helps identify training and development needs.
  • Assists in associating company goals and objectives with employee goals.
  • Communicates important information to the employee about how they are perceived relative to the work they do on a daily basis.

All organizations should have some sort of performance management system in place. Many “systems” in place are not well defined and/or they do not address critical performance variables (competencies) commonly associated with work.  


Employers should understand that personal biases enter into the overall perceptions about employees. What many managers believe is factual about an employee is often nothing more than their own biased perception of the employee’s performance.

Assessing an employee is sometimes a very unfair process. In most businesses, there are often misperceptions about various employees. And unfortunately there are a lot of managers and supervisors who are just not good mentors and coaches and, therefore, the employee does not have the benefit of correcting performance issues prior to their annual performance reviews.

Adding to the problems associated with personal bias, misperceptions, and poor coaching is the fact that many performance review sessions (the actual meetings to review performance) are poorly conducted by the manager. 

It is important that reviewing performance be taken seriously because it is a critical feedback mechanism for employees and a chance for managers and employees to share valuable information. But keep in mind that formal performance reviews are by no means the only time that feedback to employees should be given.

Using an automated system such as web-based Reviewsnap can enhance the performance review process dramatically because it provides a robust framework that helps managers and reviewers get their reviews completed more accurately and in a more timely manner.

If you are looking to implement or improve a performance review process, the Performance Review Manual provides a wealth of information you will need to do both. 


Disclaimer: The information provided above is for informational and educational purposes only. It does not construe advice. Your use of the information is at your discretion and you assume sole responsibility of relying on this information at your own risk.

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"Our customer service training just wasn't doing the job when it came to getting our representatives to deal with our customers more effectively. We needed something that was brief, hard-hitting and focused on how to deliver great customer service. This workbook was just the tool we needed. We use it for self-study and as one of the primary manuals in our training meetings. It has made a difference in our organization. I recommend this workbook to anyone who needs to beef up their level of customer service."

Janice R. - St. Louis, MO


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